Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Similarities of Spanish Ni to English Nor

The Spanish conjunction ni is the equivalent of the English nor, and sometimes it is used in different ways than nor would be used. Different Uses of Ni In addition to being used as a  direct translation of nor, ni  can be used two or more times in succession to mean neither...nor and it can mean not even. In many cases in the English translations nor is used for clarity, even though the translation is correct if it is translated as or. Do not be surprised by double negatives  in Spanish. Although shunned in English, Spanish commonly uses double negatives to deliver emphasis. Ni As the Equivalent of Nor Ni is the equivalent of nor when it follows a verb that is preceded by no or another negation word such as nunca or jamà ¡s. Spanish Sentence English Translation No quiere or ni hablar de su hijo. She doesnt want to hear or [nor] speak about her son. No puedo encontrarlo ni descargarlo. I cant see it or [nor] download it. Nunca estudia ni hace nada. He never studies or [nor] does anything. No compr palomitas ni refrescos. I didnt buy popcorn or [nor] soft drinks. Ni Used as Neither ... Nor Ni used twice or several times in succession can be used as the equivalent of neither ... nor. In Spanish, ni  precedes each item in the series. Spanish Sentence English Translation Ni sus creadores ni administradores son responsables. Neither its creators nor its administrators are responsible. Ser ni ms ni menos verdadero. It will be neither more nor less true. Ni nosotros ni el club hemos recibido nada. Neither we nor the club have received anything. Es como si mi blog hubiera desaparecido, porque no puedo verlo, ni yo ni nadie. It is as if my blog had disappeared, because I cant see it, not I, nor anybody. No me dabas amor, ni dinero, ni joyas ni nada. You give me neither love, money, jewels nor anything. Ya no habr muerte, ni luto, ni llanto, ni dolor. There will be neither death, mourning, tears nor pain. When Ni Means Not Even Ni can be used to mean not even, in the form of  ni​ siquiera. The word  siquiera is usually optional. Ni siquiera is the more emphatic form. Spanish Sentence English Translation Ni (siquiera) lo imaginbamos. We didnt even imagine it. Ni (siquiera) la supermodelo es inmune a los estragos del tiempo. Not even the supermodel is immune to the ravages of time. Ni (siquiera) Einstein era capaz de entenderlo. Not even Einstein was capabale of understanding. No tengo ni (siquiera) una moneda. I dont even have one coin.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Persecution Of Christians And Jews - 2123 Words

In order to better understand the persecution of Christians and Jews that occurred during the reign of the emperor Domitian in the year 89 AD, one must first understand the dynastic line he was born into. Domitian was a member of the Flavian family, a family that has origins in the equestrian class, the tier just below the senatorial class in terms of influence and wealth. Domitian’s grandfather, Sabinus, had built up the family’s wealth first as a tax collector, and later as a money-lender. Sabinus’ successes in his career are seen in his ability to pay the required one million sesterces necessary for each of his two sons to enter the senate. At the time of Domitian’s birth in 51 CE, his father, Vespasian, was only a mildly important politician. He had obtained the rank of consul in the same year as Domitian’s birth, when he was forty-two years old. Many ancient historians thread the story of Domitian’s youth as one of poverty. Suetonius tells the rumor that Domitian was so impoverished when he was young, that he was forced to sell himself to older senators in order to survive. Sodomy was a condoned practice in ancient Roman society, but being the passive participant, as Domitian would have been, in a homosexual relationship left one open for criticism. Rumors such as this were a common means to slander emperors and other men of high rank as it was Roman belief that lack of control, especially in one’s sex life, led to the inability to govern others. Suetonius alsoShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Religious Persecution On The Middle Eastern Countries1353 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"All religion seem to need to prove that it’s the only truth. And that’s where it turns demonic. Because that’s when you get religious wars and persecution and burning heretics at the stake,† John Shelby Spong, a retired American bishop of the Episcopal Church, stated about religious persecution circumnavigating the globe. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Happiness and Helplessness free essay sample

Different procedures: classical conditioning and then punishment †¢because using dogs in experiment, noticed that if dogs had been through classical conditioning experiments, could not be used in avoidance experiments obut adverse for the opposite (avoidance exp dogs 1st could learn very quickly in the classical conditioning exp second) †¢tripartite designoone dogs put into harness and nothing done to them (control) oanother set with shocks done to back legs but had nose plate to turn off shock (controllable shock emission escape) o(yoked control) had nose plate that could not turn off shock †¢took dogs off of harness and tried to train them in avoiding shock †¢yoked control could not learn to escape an aversion condition †¢failure of contiguity and contingency interference effect †¢trans-situationalilty †¢stress vs controllability oprior exp with control effect of signal event. †¢Other observations oappetitive learning, anxiety, depressive like state †¢Seligman, maier, and solomon’s theory of learned helplessness oMotivational, cognitive, emotional aspects Why so important about learned helplessness? †¢A role for contingency and not mere contiguity in learning †¢A role of cognitions in learning, behavior and motivation †¢Its link to depression (exposure to uncontrollable or unescapable stress causes a depressive state) Contingency learning †¢Contingencies oIf and only if x, then y (y dependent on x) †¢To determine a contingency we need to know two bits of info oProbability that Y will occur after x p(y/x) oProbability that y will occur in the absence of x, p(y/no x) †¢Contingency is oDelta p = p(y/x)-p(y/no x) †¢Doe sour behavior cause some consequence Experience of control †¢People report a subjective feeling of control if oPositive relation between response r and consequence C (behavior can include c) oNegative relation between response R and consequence c (behavior can inhibit C) †¢Learned helplessness when:  ono relationship between R and C theory of learned helplessness †¢learned helpless = experience with non contingency interferes with learning about contingencies depression †¢attempt to link LH with depression osimilar surface characteristic osimilar neurochemistry †¢hopelessness depression ois neg event important and stable oare consequences important and stable odoes it effect self-esteem †¢depressive realism oput people i n exp does behavior cause certain type of event ohow much control of blowing up tank was their fault –  omost people are delusion about the actual amount of control their actions have – while depressive people have more realistic point of view results †¢residents self report oincrease in happiness, activity †¢interview reported increased alertness †¢nurses rated increases in ogeneral health otime visiting other patients other people talking to staff omore involvement in activities oless time in passive activities olived longer the pursuit of happiness †¢state vs trait happiness opleasure of the moment osubjective well being †¢what causes happiness oAristotle. Hedonia (pleasure) †¢Eudaimonia (a life well-lived) Some of us are born happy †¢Strong genetic contribution to happiness oIdentical twins are more similar in happiness than fraternal twins oEven those raised in different families (via adoption) Happy events make us happy †¢Pleasant things happen just as often to happy people as unhappy people †¢And unpleasant things happy to happy people just as often †¢Older people have fewer happy event (because they’re less active) but get more pleasure from each one †¢How to measure happiness: simple polls, and reflections Set-point theory of happiness †¢Our disposition determines our happiness †¢Happiness is largely a stable internal trait oLong tern adult happiness is stable around a set point depending on genetic factors and personality traits molded Economists disagree †¢Classis economic theory argues that ind are motivated to maximize their utility (satisfaction) †¢A descendent of the utilitarianism theory of john mill oGreta happiness principle †¢One must always act so to produce the greatest happiness for the greatest Money makes us happy †¢Richer people are happy, but only to a certain point †¢Material lives keep increasing, but happiness does not increase at same rate What doesn’t greater income produce significantly greater happiness? †¢Ther perception of well-being oNot how well am I doing oBut how well am I doing compared to my peers †¢Also depends on expectation of income oPeople are more sensitive to perceived losses than gains †¢But if you factor in wealth and consumption patterns it starts to account for more data Bhutan Attributional styles †¢Why do some people exp uncontrollable stressors but not develop learned helplessness? †¢Why do some people derive more satisfaction from success or happy experiences?  oImportant how they are treated It’s not whether you have a life of pleasant events its how you attribute those events †¢Internal vs external oWere you or others to blame †¢Global vs specific oDoes it happen everywhere or just here †¢Permanent or temporary oDoes it always happen or just now †¢A bramson, Seligman, Teasdale (1978) Modern positive psychology †¢Martin Seligman †¢Using modern psychological research oPleasure oEngagement (benefit of immersing in a primary activity) oMeaning and affiliation (pleasure of belonging to a group or cause) †¢What makes a happy life. oGerman socioeconomic panal †¢Found that ind well being can change considerably in their lives †¢Against set point theory oWhat were the factors that can influence whether a person becomes more or less happy for long periods of time? †¢Be extroverted, not neurotic †¢High priority for humanitarian, family goals, and low priority for materialistic ones †¢Long term partner (not be neurotic, have high priority for altruistic and family goals) †¢Attend church †¢Don’t work too much, or too little †¢Exercise †¢Participate in social activities †¢Don’t be fat

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Timothy Brown Essays (642 words) - , Term Papers

Timothy Brown Mr. Hurt Leadership March 1, 2016 LMX Questionnaire The leader-member exchange theory focuses on the interaction between the leader and the follower. There are two groups in this theory, which are the in-group and out-group. The in-group provide more information to there followers. In-group members are more dependable. Being more communicative and highly involved are more characteristics of the in-group. The out-group is less compatible with the leader. Out-group members usually just come to work, do their job, and go home. After taking the LMX questionnaire, my score was a twenty-four. A score of twenty-four shows that I'm grouped moderate with this theory. I am in the middle of in-group and out-group. I agree with the accuracy of the questionnaire. I scored a four with the first question asking do I know where I stand with my leader (follower), and do I usually know how satisfied my leader (follower) is with what I do. From working at Best Buy, I do know where I stand with my manager and other coworkers. Just from seeing how satisfied my manager and coworkers are when I get a job done let me know that I am appreciated at work. I scored a three when it come to do the leader or follower understand my job problems and needs. Sometime people may know my needs and wants based on vibe or body language. When it come how well do my leaders and followers recognize my potential I scored a four. Most of the time my manager and coworkers see my potential because of how fast I can get my job done. The job performa nce I have make my managers and coworkers want to work with me. Most of the time my managers and coworkers don't have no problem helping solve problems in my work. If there is something I need a better explanation with or a job I have trouble achieving, the people I work with have no problem helping me. When it come to the chances that my leader or follower would "bail me out" at their expense, I said the chances are small. I'm not saying they truly wouldn't do it; I just believe when it come to bailing someone out I would see a family member or spouse doing that. At my current job best buy, I feel like I haven't been there long enough to see them bailing me out of any problem yet. I agree that I have enough confidence in my leader (follower) that I would defend his or her decision if he or she were not present to do so. From working with my coworkers at Best Buy, I see everyone tend to make good decisions. If my coworkers think of a decision that would work best, I sometimes will g o with their suggestion. I would characterize my work relationship with my leader and follower as better than average. I'm comfortable enough to go to my managers when I have a problem or suggestion. My coworkers and I really get along better than average. When you have a good work relationship it makes going to work enjoyable. The reason I think I scored moderate on this questionnaire is because of my personality. I'm kind of a laid back worker, but I enjoy working and enjoy getting involved. I tend to have characteristics of in-group and out-group members. The characteristic of being less compatible with leader with an out-group member is not a characteristic of my work style. I believe having a good relationship with your manager makes working for them better. When it comes to being dependable with a job, my manager and coworkers can depend on me. I believe this is a good questionnaire to see to see how you interact with your leader or follower.